5 infants are burned alive in the incubator 0f a private hospital in Patiala.
49-year-old man died in Alapuzha medical college in Kerala after the stretcher carrying him broke into pieces.
As many as 49 babies, many of whom hadn't even celebrated their first birthday, have died at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences while being subjected to clinical trials for testing new drugs over the last two and a half years.
4 infants died minutes after administering the Measles vaccine in Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu.
The above are some of the disturbing sample reports which has been in the news papers recently. Who are responsible for these tragic incidents? How we can compensate for the irreparable loss of the parents and relatives of the victims?
It shows the things are seriously wrong here even after 60 years of independence. Thousands of gruesome incidents like this are happening in this country every year and a very small percentage is coming to public eye. There are gross negligence and dereliction of duty on everyone concerned on each of the above incidents.
Most of the Government Hospitals in this country doesn’t have required basic facilities and on the contrary causes irreparable damage to public health with its unhealthy and unhygienic conditions. Most of them doesn't have basic amenities like enough number of doctors and support staff, good equipments, electricity , drinking water etc. Private hospitals are not much better for common man as the promoters are seeing the hospitals as profit centers and runs like any other corporate companies. They are mostly concerned about balance sheets and profitability and so consider patients as customers and concentrates to increase per patient income and for that prescribe unnecessary medicines and expensive tests to the hapless patients.
The current medical system make a new patient a regular customer by making him completely dependent on medicines for his rest of his life. Allopathic treatment system works more in the interests of multinational pharmaceutical companies and the hospital industry and not for the welfare and wellbeing of patients. It make a patient always a patient by making him a slave of different diseases from time to time. It destroys the natural immune powers of people.
Doctors value is evaluated not by the number patients he cured or the commitment and expertise he has to his job but by the monetary value he brings to the hospitals and the pharmaceutical companies. This shift of a purely service oriented job to a competitive industry has made the Indian medical system the worst in the world.
It is heartening that multinational medicine companies are seeing India as their testing ground and the people here as their guinea pigs. We feel so insecure when we hear about these activities which are happening in our prestigious institutions. In developed nations there are strong resistance of activists and NGO’s against using their citizens for medicine testing without their consent or knowledge. This is prompting the Global pharmaceutical companies to target citizens in underdeveloped countries like India, where there is no good legislation or rule , where more people are illiterate and unaware of the dangers , where the government and administration can easily be influenced, where corruption is rampant and values are degrading and where the value to a human life is diminishing day by day.
India is fast becoming a country where people have sagging self respect and confidence. More people carry a suicidal attitude towards life. Social Morality and the sense of brotherhood and compassion are becoming a myth. The globalization have first made nuclear families and now the families have become a formality. just the Individuals shrink in to themselves and there is no social commitment and responsibility for what is happening around us.
Our country have weakened like never before because of the above factors. The lack of commitment towards the society among the citizens is being utilised by the forces whose target is to destroy and weaken this country. It is become increasingly difficult to unitedly fight against common social evils and forces threatening the foundations of the Indian civil society.